[swf]http://www.dsfruit.com/images/newyear1.swf[/swf 6/18/2003, 北電網絡今天宣布推出針對運營商的新的VPN框架結構。新的方案包括三部分,第一,提升現有網絡的利用價值,幫助用戶獲取短期的收入;第二,通過新的VPN服務幫助用戶獲得長期和短期的收入;第三,為用戶勾畫一個將企業(yè)網絡完全融入VPN的藍圖。北電指出傳統(tǒng)的IP VPN業(yè)務更多是讓客戶自己搭建,而不是運營商的可管理的VPN網絡。一個可管理的VPN正越來越成為市場的需要;诖,北電今天推出四種新的VPN方案。
· Network-based IP VPN with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) remote access - Nortel Networks is the first vendor to bridge the gap between point-to-point SSL service and hosted IP VPN service. Adding Nortel Networks Alteon SSL remote access capability to a Nortel Networks Shasta network-based IP VPN will allow end-users to remotely access the VPN using either a standard browser equipped with SSL (any browser-equipped device on the Internet) or their current Nortel Networks Contivity VPN client. This is the first time IPSec and SSL-based VPNs have been merged in a single IP Services platform.
· Leveraging Ethernet to extend IP VPNs - Nortel Networks Passport Multiservice WANs (wide area networks), working in concert with Optical Ethernet networks, will provide choice and added value for both service providers and end customers. The simplicity of Ethernet, coupled with the span of existing ATM core networks and availability of Frame Relay services, will provide a powerful evolution path.
· IPSec encryption of Network-based IP VPN - Introduction of Frame Relay interfaces on Contivity allows new VPN deployment options that will enable service providers to encrypt the last mile of a Passport multiservice network-based IP VPN or Frame Relay service. This will give enterprises end-to-end encryption and strong quality of service (QoS). Enterprises will also be able to expand the reach of their service by securely connecting branch offices across the Internet via Contivity tunneling.
· Enhanced Network-based IP VPN capabilities - Carrier-grade software enhancements to Nortel Networks Passport Multiservice Switches have increased the scale, scope, performance and reliability of the Passport IP VPN solution. These enhancements will help position service providers to drive differentiated service offerings and decreased cost of operation. All of these enhanced capabilities on Passport will be generally available in the third quarter of 2003.